The objects of the Club are to encourage the
breeding of sound and typical Dachshunds of all coats of a weight not exceeding
11 lbs.(5 kilos) from suitable animals, and the dogs wellbeing should be the
primary consideration. The Club will adopt the standard of points as laid down
by the Kennel Club with due regard to the weight limit. The Club will do all in
its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed by giving prizes,
supporting show, guaranteeing classes and any other steps which may be thought
A copy of the Club magazine is distributed each year to all members which
contains items of news, stories, poems and informative articles.
Our Annual General Meeting is organised in conjunction
with our Summer Open Show, all members are welcome
Annual subscriptions
£6.00 membership Single or Joint
A Club badge and car sticker are available at a cost of £2.75 and £1.00
Subscriptions are due on 1st January each year
and cheques made payable to "The Miniature Dachshund Club" should be
forward to the Membership Secretary (Mrs Jacquie Pitfield)
If the correct subscription is not received by 31st March,
your membership may cease and we may no longer send you the Magazine or include
your name in the Breeders Directory
Inclusion in the Breeder's directory is free
when requested, if you wish to be included and are not already listed please
contact Joan Garrity
Click Pdf file Below
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